Author: Geraldine Rayner

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Resolving to Embrace Change

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Data Collection through Construction

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BIM and the Art of an Asset Registry

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Digital Handover – a less stressful solution


DGS/DCS Evolution – A Retrospective

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Data Visualization and Collection for FM Handover

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Data and Document Collection for FM Handover

Same or Similar? Specifying a Digital Twin

Same or Similar? Specifying a Digital Twin

Data Quality Audit Check

Data Quality: What is it and why is it important?


LOD – Level of Data, Level of Development, Level of Detail or just Level of Disorder?


BIM for Owners: Mattamy Homes Leaps into Lifecycle BIM


Building Useful Asset Information: Practical Thoughts on Getting Started with Lifecycle BIM


What type of BIM Consultant do you need? Clarifying the roles


4 Common Challenges to Implementing Lifecycle BIM


FMO and the BIM process – Where is the ROI?