BIM Metrics for Owners – References
In my recent webinar, I outlined five simple metrics that can help building owners better prepare and implement BIM requirements and workflows as an organization. A few links of interest which were mentioned during the webinar are included below for reference.
I mentioned WeWork, a co-working startup who has focused on model-centric workflows augmented with real time operations data to make decisions. Here is an article that discusses the types of analysis and business decision support that is possible when combining a building model with operations data. The operations phase of a building is huge and when you think about worker productivity and the revenue per square foot, it quickly obscures other life-cycle building costs. Increasing even slightly worker performance, or reducing sick days, results in important benefits for a business. We know that the built environment influences productivity, but quantifying it has been challenging in the past. With new technologies being integrated, we can be sure this is a frontier of BIM that will be actively pursued in the future.
A handful of references on BIM for owners were also mentioned:
- The BIM Forum LOD Specification
- The BIM Planning Guide for Facility Owners from Penn State
- The NBIMS National BIM Guide for Owners (currently on public draft at the time of writing)
We also invite you to review some of our previous blog posts on BIM for Owners. As always, feel free to contact us if you’d like to further this discussion.