Category: Industry Insights

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Resolving to Embrace Change

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Debunking Common Misconceptions in Architecture during Design and Construction: Sustainability and BIM Integration

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Data Collection through Construction

coming to Canada-C

Coming to Canada: A BIM Consultant’s Journey

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BIM and the Art of an Asset Registry

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Digital Handover – a less stressful solution


DGS/DCS Evolution – A Retrospective

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Data Visualization and Collection for FM Handover

FMi logo

Data and Document Collection for FM Handover

Same or Similar? Specifying a Digital Twin

Same or Similar? Specifying a Digital Twin

Data Quality Audit Check

Data Quality: What is it and why is it important?

bim consulting services

Key considerations for Owners before embarking on a Building Information Management (BIM) project


Databases vs Spreadsheets: What to consider for asset data and document collection

Lights cascading down

What does Facilities Management need from a Digital Twin?

Building with points of data shown by lights

[Infographic] Drawings vs. Data: What is the output of your BIM process?