Team Member Bio
Geraldine is responsible for running the consulting arm of the company and leading the innovations team in developing Summit’s FMi® interface which is designed to expose the inherent BIM data for everyone to use.
Geraldine has 30 years of experience in the AEC industry as both principal and project manager/architect utilizing a variety of software solutions to deliver projects and, in particular, overseeing the use of Revit and Navisworks within a BIM environment.
Applying her BIM project management expertise, Geraldine is passionate about working with owners, operators, contractors and designers to ensure that this new process--employing database software--is implemented effectively for the benefit of all parties to the construction process. She is a firm believer in working in a collaborative manner, her ultimate goal being to deliver owners and operators a comprehensive, data-rich digital record of their facilities.Geraldine is a registered architect, sits on the buildingSMART International Steering Room Committee, helping to define standards for the industry, and is frequently invited to speak about technological innovation in building design.
BA Arch, University College for the Creative Arts
Dip. Arch, De Montfort University
Registered Architect ARB
Architect AIBC
Building Smart Canada
July, 2017: "BIM for Owners: Expectations, Challenges, and Rewards" - presented at CanBIM Regional Session - Calgary
February, 2017: "More than a Model: Time for a New Definition of BIM for Building Owners" - presented at BUILDEX Vancouver
February, 2017: “Owners' new Expectations: How the Expected Deliverable is Changing”- co-presenter with Larry Harder, Director of Capital Projects, Fraser Health Authority, CanBIM Regional Session - Vancouver
July, 2015: “Planning for Digital Operations Data” - published FacilityCare website
July, 2015: “Moving to the 21st Century - Science World reaps the benefits of BIM” - published in Pilings Industry Canada magazine
May, 2015: “Powered by Data – Breaking the Paper Barrier”- presented Vancouver Regional Construction Association – Leadership Forum
March, 2015: “Flow my Data the Owner said” – presented to UBC Construction Management Civil Engineering Graduates and Undergraduates
March, 2015: “Looking Through Paper - Into a Digital Wonderland”, presented at the Constructions Specifications Canada Luncheon, Vancouver
October, 2014: “…’End of the Paper Trail’ - Learning to Communicate in a Digital Age”, presented at the Canadian Design Build Conference, Victoria
May, 2014: “An Introduction to Building Information Management, BIM Models and the Cloud”, panel member at IFMA’s 25th Anniversary Educational Session, Vancouver
February, 2014: “Project Management in a Digital Age”, co-presenter with Edwin Guerra at BUILDEX, Vancouver
2014: “Thinking Inside the Box”, published in The Constructor Magazine, Calgary Construction Association