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Upcoming: Geraldine Rayner presents at BUILDEX Vancouver


Geraldine RaynerGeraldine Rayner, Summit BIM Director will discuss what the goals of following a BIM process from an Owner’s perspective are, and what in turn, this means for the AEC industry.

With more the 30 years of experience in the AEC industry, 10 years committed to the direct application of BIM, Geraldine has the experience and insight to help customers access, collect, and leverage the digital data generated through a Building Information Management (BIM) process. This session will explore what BIM means for Owners and how they can define what they need from the project team to meet their BIM goals.

The session titled “More than a Model: Time for a New Definition of BIM for Building Owners” will take place on Thursday, February 16 at 10:00 am at BUILDEX Vancouver at the Vancouver Convention Centre West.

To learn more about the event, or register for sessions, please visit the BUILDEX Vancouver website here.

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